miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018

Tercer dia en Lodi

Hoy hemos visitado la escuela primaria Pezzani formada por alumnos de primero a quinto curso. Hemos visitado las distintas aulas presentandonos al profesorado y los alumnos. Hemos podido visitar algunas aulas y ver los trabajos que alli realizan.

Nos han mostrado tambien la zona de trabajo con los alumnos de necesidades educativas especiales con discapacidades severas y nos han invitado a participar en uno de sus talleres sobre el universo donde de forma muy visual, manipulativa y sensorial acercan estos conceptos a esos alumnos.

Por la tarde hemos tenido un encuentro con algunos profesores de la escuela primaria y de la seccion de ampliacion didactica que se encargan de organizar talleres para fomentar la inclusion y el aprendizaje.

Third day in Lodi

Today we have been visiting Pezzani primary school. It is a school with children with different degrees of disabilities. It is formed by students form year one to year five, because year six attend the lower high school.
At the beginning we have been greeting the students with more severe disabilities and then we moved all around the school to visit the different classes (they were at the break time) and have greeted the children and their teachers, speaking to them in English and also a little bit of Spanish.
After the visit, we have moved to attend a workshop for special needs education about the universe, were they could experiment through a multisensorial approach all the concepts for this topic.

In the afternoon we have had a meeting with some teachers from the primary school and the section of Enhance didactic (workshop to promote inclusion an learning)

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